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field written on the side. The simple black box was perched atop a
cedar post that was as rustic as the log cabin at the end of the paved
driveway. Numerous familiar vehicles claimed spots near the cabin.
The place hadn t changed at all since Charli and Jack shared their
first kiss in the barn. The only difference was that the barn and cabin
were a bit more weathered.
 There s Uncle Jack, Bonnie exclaimed as Jack emerged from the
barn and motioned for the group of kids and adults to come inside.
Charli glanced at her watch. The evening on the ranch was sup�
posed to start at six. It was five after.  Yes, that s him, Charli said and
glanced toward her daughter whose rapt attention rested upon Jack.
Only days ago, Bonnie had declared she hated Jack, but her
childish fury had been extinguished. Several times, she d mentioned
Jack s helping her with her morning drink and Charli wondered what
magic touch he d put on the simple glass of water and the book he d
read. Since she didn t recall a lot of positive times with her father,
Charli could only imagine the affect of a tender, masculine voice
upon a thirsty girl early in the morning.
Whatever he did, Jack apparently won a conquest. Charli pulled her
trusty Taurus next to a new Cadillac Escalade. But then, I laid some
groundwork on that as well, she admitted. Charli had been the one
who arranged for Jack to present the kittens and numerous times
she d told her daughter that  Uncle Jack was there to help. So maybe
we worked together to win Bonnie over. Charli turned off the engine.
The back door opened. Surprised, Charli glanced toward Bonnie
to see her already scrambling out. When she whizzed past the pas�
senger side, her features were fixed in a determination that reflected
no fear. Charli opened her door, stepped out, and called,  Bonnie
wait! but the child s jean-clad legs pumped all the harder while she
surged straight into the barn.
Sighing, Charli locked the car and strode toward the barn. After
a scorcher of a week, the east Texas heat and humidity had relin�
quished with a cool front. After a morning rain that resembled a
spring shower, the thermometer had stopped climbing at eighty-
five today. The evening breeze wafting off the bank of bluish clouds
building in the west promised another shower that would close out
the day.
Thankful for a day without  sweating like a sow, as her mom
would have said, Charli reveled in the way the breeze fingered her
ponytail and whipped at her loose-legged capri pants. As she neared
the barn, Charli s spirits were lifted a bit, despite her misgivings over
the neighbor factor.
After a year of his pursuing her, something had changed. What�
ever that  something was, Charli could almost feel it in the air. She d
expected him to call to at least confirm that her locks and security
system were installed today. But when he didn t, she recalled the lock�
smith talking to someone on his cell phone as he was leaving. The
conversation had been short and to the point; the locksmith simply
confirmed that he d completed the job. Since Jack hadn t called,
Charli now wondered if the conversation had been with him.
188 � Debra White Smith
She paused outside the barn s open doorway and listened to the
presentation that was happening inside. The smell of fresh hay min�
gled with the scent of the cattle in the pasture. While a woman s
sweet, southern tone rose above the children s excited mumbling,
Charli rested her hand on the barn s graying door and strained to
glean every word.
 Goat s milk is very nutritious and it s the only milk, besides soy
milk, that my son can drink. Cow s milk upsets his tummy. So, we have
a couple of goats that we milk all the time. This goats name is Fido.
The kids giggled.
 We call her that because she has fetched nearly since she was
born. If you throw a Frisbee or an old hat or anything like that, she ll
go get it and bring it back to you. We decided since she acts like a
dog, we d give her a dog s name.
The laughter escalated anew and Jack s low rumble rose above
the crowd.
Charli opened the door a bit wider and slipped inside. The loft
doors hung ajar, allowing the evening sun to blast the barn with
ample illumination. Beams of hazy light also seeped through several
gaps in the walls, and one beam christened the speaker in a glow that
resembled a halo.
Her face stiffening, Charli gazed at the woman who must be
Mary Ann. Her hair was every bit as vibrant as Charli imagined
especially in the evening sun. And Charli didn t have to ask if her
blue eyes and peaches-and-cream complexion would snare a man s
interest. That, coupled with her petite figure and demure demeanor
was probably enough to discombobulate a whole army.
While the dozen or so kids pressed toward the makeshift stall s
open doorway, Jack stood on the other side. With one boot braced
on the stall s bottom rail and his arms resting along the top rail, he
looked as good in his jeans and boots and cowboy hat as some coun�
try music star.
A movement near Jack s arm snatched Charli s attention from the
man to the child dressed in a red-checked shirt who was crawling the
bottom rung beside him. Bonnie smiled up at Jack as he circled his
arms around her and lifted her to sit on the top rail. He said some�
thing through a smile, and Bonnie s reciprocal grin verified that it
must have been the perfect comment for the moment.
 Fido is a very gentle lady, Mary Ann continued.  Once I show
you how to milk her, I ll let each of you take a turn at milking her.
 Okay . . . okay! the children cheered.
 Ssshhhh, Pat Jonas admonished, along with several mommies
who corralled their offspring.
When Charli glanced back toward Jack, he caught her eye. With
a slight grin, he lifted his hand and waved. Charli wiggled her fingers
and looked away.
After counting to ten, Charli stole another peek at Jack, only to
confirm what she feared. Jack s admiring attention was solely fixed
upon Mary Ann. Dressed in the typical jeans and boots, she now knelt [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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