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raised hand as he faced his palm out to me.
I gripped my dagger. I was protected. Volod wouldn t be able to hurt me this time.
Five feet. Three feet
An even more powerful invisible blast slammed into me.
It was as if I had no protection at all buffering me.
Breath rushed from my chest. Did my lungs collapse?
Fire. My body was on fire. Burning more, even more than the last time.
My concentration on my air element shattered. All elements.
The power flung my body backward.
No control. I had no control.
My back and head hit one of the massive windows.
Glass shattered as I was slammed against it, hard enough to break the thickness of it.
Shards sliced my skin and dug into my flesh as I sailed through the window.
I screamed as my body started to drop.
Twenty-four stories. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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