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was a huge cabin for crew and troops. The smaller forward
cabin housed the captain.
Aboard the flagship, Ramses had personally checked the
port and starboard rudders. A covered pen had been built
for his pets. The dog snuggled up between the lion s front
paws, replete from their frequent feedings.
Sailing up the Nile to Nubia, Ramses felt a renewed fas-
Ramses: The eternal temple 299
cination with the barren, green-flecked hills, the bright blue
sky, and the thin band of lush growth the river carved
through the desert. It was a land of fire, unforgiving and yet
beyond all conflict, like his soul.
Swallows, crested cranes, and pink flamingos flew over
the fleet, while high in the palm trees baboons whooped at
their passage. The soldiers spent their time gambling,
drinking wine, and dozing in shady corners, as if they were
on a pleasure cruise.
Their arrival in the land of Kush, beyond the Second
Cataract, was a rude awakening. The men disembarked in
silence, pitching their tents on the desolate shore and
building a palisade. Then they awaited Pharaoh s orders.
A few hours later, the Viceroy of Nubia and his military
escort reported to the monarch, seated on his traveling
throne of gilded cedar.
 What do you have to say for yourself ? asked Ramses.
 We have the situation well in hand, Majesty.
 I asked for an explanation.
The Viceroy of Nubia had grown quite stout. He
dabbed at his forehead with a white cloth.
 A deplorable incident, to be sure, but we mustn t blow
things out of proportion.
 An entire shipment of gold lost, soldiers and miners
slaughtered doesn t that justify my intervention?
 The message that was sent to you may have been some-
what alarmist, but of course we re honored by your presence.
 My father pacified Nubia and entrusted you with pre-
serving the peace. Now your laxness and dawdling have
compromised it once again.
 It was fate, Majesty, fate!
 You re the Viceroy of Nubia, royal standard-bearer,
superintendent of the southern desert region, head of
300 Christian Jacq
a royal cavalry division, and you dare speak to me of
 My performance has been flawless, I can assure you,
Majesty. But it s too big a job for one man: meeting with vil-
lage mayors, making sure the granaries are stocked, checking
 What about gold production?
 Mining and shipping are under my close supervision,
 Is that why you let the convoy go unescorted?
 How could I know that a handful of madmen was on
the loose?
 I thought that was part of your job.
 I can t be everywhere at once.
 Take me to the scene of the attack.
 It s on the gold route, a barren and lonely spot. It won t
tell you anything.
 Who were these rebels?
 Some miserable tribe. They probably primed themselves
with drink.
 Have you searched for the perpetrators?
 Nubia is a very large province, Majesty, and my troop
levels have been cut.
 In other words, no serious investigation has been
 Only Your Majesty could order a military sweep.
 That s all, Viceroy.
 Shall I help Your Majesty hunt down the rebels?
 Just tell me the truth: is Nubia prepared to rise up in
support of them?
 Well, it s unlikely, but 
 Is the rebellion already under way, then?
 No, Majesty, but there does seem to be some unrest.
That s why we really were hoping you d come to help us.
Ramses: The eternal temple 301
 Drink up, Setau told Ramses.
 Can t I get along without it?
 Yes, but I d rather err on the side of caution.
Serramanna can t do a thing to guard you from snakes.
The king drank the dangerous brew made from nettle
extracts and diluted cobra blood. Setau gave him regular
doses to build up his immunity to snakebite. At least he
could eliminate one risk along the gold road.
 Thanks for bringing us along. I love it here, and
Lotus is glad to be home. Just imagine the specimens we ll
 It s no vacation, Setau. Nubian warriors have earned
their fierce reputation.
 Why not let the poor devils have their gold, and quiet
things down?
 They committed robbery and murder. No one can flout
the law of Ma at with impunity.
 Nothing can change your mind, I suppose.
 No, nothing.
 Have you considered your personal safety?
 This mission isn t one I can delegate.
 Tell your men to take special care. Snake venom is
strongest at this time of year. They need to use asafetida.
The odor of the gum resin will repel some reptiles. If
anyone is bitten, send for me at once. Lotus and I will be
sleeping in our wagon.
302 Christian Jacq
The expeditionary force marched along the rocky trail,
led by a scout, then Serramanna and Ramses on surefooted
horses. Next came oxen pulling wagons, donkeys laden with
weapons and water gourds, and finally the foot soldiers.
The Nubian scout was convinced that the rebels were
still close by the site of the attack. Nearby was an oasis, the
perfect place to stash their loot until they attempted to
trade it.
According to the map supplied by the viceroy, the gold
route was studded with wells, and reports from the Nubian
mines had indicated no recent problem with the water
supply. They could advance without fear through the heart
of the desert.
The scout was surprised to encounter a decomposing
donkey. Usually the convoy leaders selected only the health-
iest animals for their long marches.
As they neared the first water stop, the men s spirits rose.
To quench their thirst, refill their gourds, sleep in the shade
of their cloth shelters . . . from the top officers down, every
soldier was looking forward to the same prospect. Since
night would fall in three hours or less, the king would cer-
tainly make camp here.
When the scout reached the well, a chill ran through him
despite the torrid heat. He ran back to Ramses.
 Majesty! The well is dry.
The Pharaoh s troops did not have enough water to sur-
vive a march back to their point of departure. The only
choice was marching forward, in hope of making it to the
next well. But since the provincial government s information
had proved unreliable, it might mean the next well would be
just as dry.
 We could leave the main road, suggested the scout,
 and branch out to the right toward the rebels oasis.
Ramses: The eternal temple 303
Between here and there is a well they might use on their
 Rest until dusk, ordered Ramses.  Then we ll head off
 A night march is dangerous, Majesty! Snakes, the poten-
tial for ambush . . .
 It s our only option.
Ramses was reminded of an earlier expedition, with his
father. Their soldiers had faced an identical situation local
insurgents poisoning the wells on the gold route. In his
heart of hearts, he admitted that this time he d underesti-
mated the danger. He knew from experience that a simple
peacekeeping mission could end in disaster.
The king addressed his men, telling them the truth. They
were worried, but the more experienced soldiers kept up the
morale. Pharaoh was their leader, and Pharaoh was a mir-
acle worker, they told their comrades.
Despite the risks, the foot soldiers enjoyed the night [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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