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know that you can't resist the idea of those big boys who lust
after dick."
Derek tried to will him to the rack with the straight
magazines. "Look at those young girls who claim to be
eighteen and who are probably twenty-four. You probably
want to grab one of those magazines so you can relive your
college days when girls' tits hadn't begun to sag and they got
wet all on their own without needing any lube."
Beck turned to Derek. "You know, for a gay guy who has
never done anything but kiss a girl, you are pretty good at
describing woman parts and their functions."
"Shut up and play the game."
They continued to watch the guy until he finally walked
over to the shelf with the gay magazines. "Yes! I knew it.
He's a big old nellie queen." Several of the patrons in the
Wrestling With Desire
by D.H. Starr
pizza shop turned to look at her. Realizing she had an
audience, she turned to face her onlookers. "Well he is!" The
people who had been staring at her replaced their shocked
expressions with looks of disapproving irritation, then
continued to decide what they were going to order. Beck
triumphantly snatched the dollar bill. "First point goes to me."
By the time they had finished the game, Beck had won
seven dollars to Derek's measly three. Derek was ready to
leave. "Man, I have to work on my gaydar. I can't believe that
you can pick 'em out better than me."
Beck flashed him a depraved smile. "It's not you hon, I
just channel Judy, Barbara, Madonna, and Cher and it comes
to me. It's a gift really."
Derek laughed. "Ok Ms. Diva Thang. Let's spend our
winnings on some ice-cream." They left The Garage and
walked down the street to Steve's Ice Cream Parlor.
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Wrestling With Desire
by D.H. Starr
Chapter 16
Derek continued to pick Scott up before school and drive
him home, but after their argument, the natural flow of
conversation between them had become uneasy. Their time
together became strained. It was hard enough to only grab
snippets of time together during the day, but with the added
tension that was lingering between them, the time lost some
of its intimacy and comfort. Derek missed the passion and
emotion of their time alone and didn't know what to do to get
back to that place with Scott. On top of that, Scott had
become visibly stressed, spending study hall and lunch hours
working on calculus, preparing for his upcoming test.
Even though he was upset, Derek refused to allow himself
to return to the same feelings of helplessness and anxiety
that he had experienced during winter break. Falling into the
comfortable security of hiding behind his guard, he spent
more time with the guys on the team, focused his energy on
perfecting his moves during practice, and continued
experimenting with the new sound during his mixing sessions.
With each distraction, there was one fact that was present in
his mind at all times. Scott was pulling further away from him
and he was allowing it to happen.
On the day before the match against Waltham, Scott
joined Derek and Beck for lunch. Derek didn't know what to
make of this since Scott had kept to himself for over a week.
Part of him was happy to be near Scott, but his guard caused
another part of him to feel nervous and uncomfortable. Beck,
Wrestling With Desire
by D.H. Starr
in her usual manner, greeted Scott cheerfully. "Hey there
stranger. I was beginning to wonder if you still went to school
with us. How is everything?"
Scott looked pale and empty. "I just got my calculus test
back. I got a C. I studied as hard as I could and I got a C. My
dad is going to serve me my head on a platter."
Derek turned to face Scott, forgetting his defenses
completely. "Scott, I'm so sorry. I can't believe it. What are
you going to do?"
Scott shook his head. "I don't know. I have no idea what
my dad will do now that my calculus grade is actually lower. I
am guessing that my home prison is going to become
maximum security."
Beck slammed her hands on the table. "If I were your
mother, I would take his balls and..." Derek shot her a
warning glance, trying to communicate through the intensity
of his stare that this was not the right approach to take. Beck
took the hint and closed her mouth.
Scott smiled bleakly. "It's ok, Derek. Actually, I wouldn't
mind hearing what Beck would do to his balls right now."
Seizing the opportunity, Beck continued. "I would take his
balls and hold a paring knife at them. Then I'd tell him that if
he didn't stop treating you like you were some kind of
criminal that I would cut them off and grind them to pulp in
the kitchen sink disposal."
Derek cringed at the image Beck had painted. Scott
lowered his hands protectively, covering his crotch, but his [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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