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An Introduction to Astrologie.
Of the twelve Houses, their Nature and Signification.
As before we have said there are twelve signs, and also twelve Houses of Heaven, so now we are
come to relate the nature of these twelve Houses; the exact knowledge whereof is so requisite,
that he who shall learn the nature of the Planets and Signs without exact judgment of the Houses,
is like an impovident man, that furnisheth with variety of householdstuffe, having no place
wherein to bestow them.
There is nothing appertaining to the life of man in this world, which in one way or other hath not
relation to one of the twelve Houses of Heaven, and as the twelve signs are appropriate to the
particular members of mans body; so also doe the twelve houses represent not onely the severall
parts of man, but his actions, quality of life and living, and the curiosity and judgment of our
Fore-fathers in Astrology, was such, as they have alotted to every house a particular signification,
and so distinguished humane accidents throughout the twelve houses, as he that understands the
Questions appertaining to each of them, shall not want sufficient grounds whereon to judge or
give a rationall answer upon any contingent accident, and successe thereof.
Of the first House and its Signification.
The first house, which containeth all that part of Heaven from the line where the figure one
standeth, until the figure two, where the second house beginneth.
It hath signification of the life of man, of the stature, colour, complexion, form and shape of him
that propounds the Question, or is born; in Eclipses and great Conjunctions, and upon the Sun his
annuall ingresse into Aries; it signifieth the common people, or generall State of that Kingdom
where the Figure is erected.
And as it is the first house, it represents the head and face of man, so that if either Saturn, Mars or
South Node be in this House, either at the time of the Question, or at the time of birth, you shall
observe some blemish in the face, or in that
An Introduction to Astrologie.
member appropriate to the signe that then is upon the cusp of the house; as if Aries be in the
Ascendant, the mark, mole, or scarre is without faile in the head or face; and if few degrees of the
signe ascend, the mark is in the upper part of the head; if the middle of the sign be on the cusp,
the mole, mark or scar is in the middle of the face, or neer it; if the later degrees ascend, the face
is blemished neer the chin, towards the neck: This I have found true in hundreds of examples.
Of colors, it hath the White; that is, if a Planets be in this house that hath signification of white,
the complexion of the Party is more pale, white and wan; or if you enquire after the colour of the
cloathe of any man, if his significator be in the first house, and in a sign corresponding, the
parties apparell is white or gray, or somewhat neer that colour, so also if the Question be for
cattle, when their significators are found in this house, it denotes them to be of that colour or neer
it: The house is Masculine.
The Cosignificators of this house are Aries and Saturn; for as this house is the first house, so is
Aries the first signe, and Saturn the first of the Planets, and therefore when Saturn is but
moderately well fortified, in this house, and in any benevolent aspect of Jupiter, Venus, Sun or
Moon, it promiseth a good sober constitution of body, and usually long life: Mercury doth also
joy in this house, because it represents the Head, and he the Tongue, Fancy and Memory: when
he is well dignified and posited in this house, he produceth good Orators: it is called the
Ascendant, because when the Sun commeth to the cusp of this house, he ascends, or then ariseth,
and is visible in our Horizon.
Questions concerning the Second House.
From this house is required judgment concerning the estate or fortune of him that asks the
question, or his Wealth or Poverty, of all removeable Goods, Money lent, of Profit or game, losse
or damage; in suits of Law, it signifies a mans Friends or Assistants; in private Duels, the
Querents second; in an Eclipse or Great Conjunction, the poverty or Wealth of the people; the
An Introduction to Astrologie.
Sun his entrance into Aries, it represents the Ammunition, Allies and Support the Common-
wealth shall have; it imports their Magazines.
It represents in man the neck, and hinder parts of it towards the shoulders, of colours, the green.
So that if one make demand concerning any thing specified above in this house, you must look
for signification from hence: It s a feminine house and Succedant, called in some Latin Authors
It hath Cosignificators Jupiter and Taurus; for is Jupiter be placed in this house, or be Lord
hereof, it s an argument of an estate or fortune; Sun and Mars are never well placed in this house,
either of them shew dispersion of substance, according to the capacity and quality of him that is
either born or asks the questions.
The Third House.
Hath signification of Brethren, Sisters, Cozens and Kindred, Neighbours, small Journeys, or
inland-Journeys, oft removing from one place to another, Epistles, Letters, Rumours,
Messengers: It doth rule the Shoulders, Armes, Hands and Fingers.
Of Colours, it governeth the Red and Yellow, or Croceall, or Sorrell colour: It hath
Cosignificators, of the Signe Gemini, of the Planet Mars; which is one reason why Mars in this
house, unlesse joyned with Saturn is not very unfortunate, it is a Cadent house, and is the joy of
the Moon; for if she be posited therein, especially in a moveable sing, it s an argument of much
travell, trotting and trudging, or of being seldom quiet: The house is Masculine.
The Fourth House.
Giveth Judgment of Fathers in generall & ever of his Father that enquires, or that is born; of
Lands, Houses, Tenements, Inheritances, Tillage of the earth, Treasures hidden, the
determination or end of any thing; Towns, Cities or Castles, besieged or not besieged; all ancient
Dwellings, Gardens, Fields, Pastures, Orchards; the quality and nature of the grounds one
An Introduction to Astrologie.
purchaseth, whether Vineyards, Cornfielfd, &c. whether the ground be Woody, Stony or barren.
The Sign of the fourth denoteth the Town, the Lord thereof, the Governour: It ruleth the
Brest, Lungs.
Of Colours, the Red: It s Cosignificator is Cancer, and of Planets the Sun; we call it the Angle of
the Earth, or Imum Coeli; it is feminine, and the North Angle: In Nativities or Questions, this
fourth house represents Fathers, so doth the Sun by day and Saturn by night; yet if the Sun be
herein placed, he is not ill, but rather shews the Father to be of a noble disposition, &c.
The Fifth House.
By this house we judge of Children, of Embassadours, of the state of a Woman with child, of
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