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point, where it actually should begin.
Whosoever has reached the point of the first Whitening of the Laton, has reached the
spiritual re-birth, but it still lacks the psychic or astral and physical re-birth!
Alchemy Unveiled Page 66
The Preparation of the Red Lapis.
"Sow the Gold into the White Foliated Earth!"
In the ensuing operation, we are chiefly dealing with the re-unification of Sol and
Luna, that means to unite again with each other Soul and Body. The Tincture or Soul
cannot be newly born in its old impure body, therefore, the Soul must leave the dark
Abyss of the damned, dead, insoluble Earth and she (Tincture or Soul) has to take on
a new transfigured body before she can unite herself with the heavenly Light.
That is the reason why it was a must, that through the dissolution out of the dark terra
damnata, the Salt of Nature which was hidden and enclosed therein had to be drawn
out to again become a Water, a Limbus, a Quintessence of the Macrocosm, which
through the influence of the Spirit coagulated into a new Salt of Magnificence. Out of
Water and Spirit everything must be born again. When the Soul is separated from the
Body in this manner, the Soul or tincture must be mixed with the Spiritu volatili and
circulate with it for approximately 20 days and eventually be distilled out of the Ash-
Cupella, so that all impurities which are still present can be cast aside.
Thereafter, the red Oil or the Philosopher's Gold (the Soul) is returned to the new
white body drop by drop, so that the magic Gold can nourish itself therein, and
thereby receive new energy for growth. That is how the Philosopher's Sun and Moon
are united.
"Call our Son of the brilliant Sun, our Virgin Earth out of damascene
Fields, our double Mercury-Gold, which no longer can escape the Fire.
This is our secret operation, our adamic Earth, a thing of perfection;
that is the end of the work of the mighty Hercules. This is the exquisite
Blood of our serpent, the true unification of the four Elements. This is
the Secret which the Mighty seek; in our books, you will never finds
this being revealed."
-(Fridericus Gualdus, Philosophia Hermetica)
After the white-foliated Earth of the new Spirit-Body has taken in her Soul as a pure,
ruby-coloured, incombustible Gold-Oil, she herself is then turned into a red Lapis.
Even though the Stone is, after the first whitening and also after the first red-
colouring, still very volatile, and is like a subtile dust, because in this condition, the
stone is still more spiritual and mercurial. That is why the white or the red stone of the
first Order does not have a higher strength or potency to tinge, than 1:10.
In this condition, Body and Soul are only loosely connected to each other and with
each other; they are not yet permanently constant and fixed.
In order to make out of this a united fixed born-again being, before the conjunction
we pour over the re-inspired body (a body which received a soul again) three parts of
the Spiritui volatilis, so that the greater part of the Spirit surpasses the smaller half-
fleeting part of the body and ascends with it to the heights. Through this, the new
Alchemy Unveiled Page 67
Spirit-Body is mixed with the Soul and the Spirit and raised seven times into the Air,
through which the Spirit-Body is truly exalted and is impregnated with the heavenly
influences until the materia sublimates itself totally clearly, like a star. This is the true
exaltation of our Stone, our in the Air born-child, which as soon as it returns again
into its seed containing water, coagulates with the Soul and the Spirit into a red-gold
sap which is our Elixir.
Alchemy Unveiled Page 68
III. The After-Work
The Conjunction or the Unification
The third operation acts with a quiet insensitive movement, which is called "digesto.?
That is why the Sages say that this operation occurs in a heavenly oven. The
nutriment is now being cooked and changed into the substance of the body, that
means, the mercurial Nature is being changed into a sulfuric Nature, and this must
take place in a very gentle warmth.
This operation is also called the burial (inhumatio), because the Spirit is being
lowered into the Earth like the dead. Also, this work progresses very slowly, and
therefore requires a longer period of time.
The reduction is also the composition of our Apollinis or red Mercury and the Dianae,
that means the foliated Earth. The foliated earth is also called the fermentation,
because within it our fixed, natural Sulphur is liberated through our red Mercury or
Azoth and ferments through the degrees of the philosophical boiling to become the
permanent Philosopher's Stone.
One must however, also draw out of the materia of our Stone, the red man (or
Sulphur), and his white wife (or Sal), which are the two Main-Principles of our
Subjecti. That is why the Philosophers say: The Azoth and Ignis are sufficient for this
So that the two can enter into one another, into an active life and may unite in the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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