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Prepare your altar with everything you use in the ritual: Goddess-image, candles, incense, a small bowl of salt and a
chalice containing half water, half wine. Arrange your altar in a creative manner, with a white cloth, two white candles
on the sides, and a rose or other Goddess-image in the center. Place your chalice in front.
After preparing yourself, step up to the altar and take the container of salt. Put the salt on the floor in front of the altar
and stand on it. The salt symbolizes wisdom, the Salt of the Earth, so you are standing on your own wisdom.
Contemplate the wine-water mixture in the chalice as symbolic of the Life Force. The water represents Aphrodite.
Contemplate the fact that there is no life without water. The wine brings ecstasy and is sacred to the Goddess because it
represents joy and stimulation. By mixing it with water you are also representing temperance, which is important in
women's Wisdom.
Drink from your chalice or ' 'special cup.'' This cup should communicate something festive to you, something special
and joyful. It should only be used for celebrating this relationship you have with yourself. It should be used to drink
from only when you commune with the Divine.
Meditate a moment on the altar and importance of the psychic space you are creating for yourself. Actually, when you
are performing magic, it is more beneficial if you are able to approach the altar completely naked. This is not for any
sexual or erotic reason, but to stimulate and increase the energy flow. After your bath, you are clean. Your blood is
pulsing quickly, you have rosy cheeks, your pores are open, and you are not likely to get cold, even when naked. This
way you can celebrate your ritual in "Truth" and with pleasure.
At this point in the ritual, take time to contemplate what you are going to do. You are about to bless yourself. That's a
big step. In our society, this blessing is usually done by male clergy in a patriarchal religion.
Light the incense now to awaken the brain cells. The sense of smell has come to us from the earliest times, from
"smelling out" edibles to "smelling" danger. A very large portion of the brain deals with that sense,
though the sense of smell is seriously stunted in the modern world. Choose an incense to which you feel personally
attracted. Try to choose one that is power-oriented, because after you bless yourself there is no turning back. You must
deal with getting Power.
Light the white candles, saying, "Blessed be, thou creature of fire," as each flame is born.
Between these candles is the image of the Goddess you have chosen. Objects from nature are good for this, such as a
new rose, the personification of Persephone. The Goddess has a few symbols which are always associated with Her
because miracles happen with or around them, and the rose is such a symbol. A single rose is a lovely centerpiece; it is
an altar in itself, and a very, very good working altar at that.
Take a moment to smell the incense, meditate on the candle flames and contemplate the Goddess-image.
Now dip your fingers (traditionally, the first two fingers) into the chalice and touch the wine-water to your forehead
while you address the alliance of Goddess and you. You may call out Her names or you may simply say: "Bless me,
Mother, for I am Your child." This is an acknowledgment of where your life comes from, an awareness of how you
got here. It also connects you to the spirit you are addressing within yourself.
Dip your fingers again and touch your nose, saying, "Bless my nose to smell Your essence." Most of the brain cells
can be stimulated with a certain scent, which in turn stimulates the deep mind. While your conscious mind is tending
to modern life, your deep mind can work for you to straighten out your problems. To smell the Essence of the Goddess
is also to be close to Nature; to connect with Her in such a way makes you able to remember the fragrance of the roses,
the salt smell of the ocean, or the unmistakable liberating scent of a clear evening.
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Again dip your fingers, this time touching your lips and saying, "Bless my lips to speak of You." The lips are an
extremely important symbol in the Craft. They represent the Word: utterance, ordinance, incarnation of Themis,
Goddess of Social Consciousness. Indeed, words are revolutionary. The mouth is a tool of the revolution. The
conscious manifestation of a thought is a word. Once uttered, the vibration of that word never stops but keeps on going
without end. Sound never stops. We have a solemn responsibility to be conscious of what we say, because it is magic,
a ritual. Words have power. Speech is how we touch each other's minds. We influence each other with words. We
have to articulate change in order to achieve changes. When you bless your lips, think of all this.
Now that you have blessed your mouth and contemplated your speech, dip your two fingers into the chalice and touch
your breasts. Meditate on your breasts as the Source of Nourishment, on nourishment as part of the
Female Principle of the Universe, on how nourishment comes from you, how you are nourished, and how you are part
of the Source that has power to give. Think of how Divine that makes you. Now say: ' 'Bless my breasts, formed in
strength and beauty."
That is a definition of the Female. A definition of Womanhood: strength and beauty combined. To be strong is to be
beautiful. Weakness is not reinforced in the Craft, and no "brownie points" are ever given for being a "ding-a-ling."
You must assume adulthood and responsibility in the Craft. You ritualize your responsibilities in the Wicca, especially
responsibilities toward your contemporaries.
Again dip your fingers, touch your genitals and say, "Bless my genitals that bring forth life as You have brought forth
the Universe.' ' Touching the genitals and speaking of bringing forth life does not mean that all women must give birth
to children. It is simply a recognition of our connection to the Source of Life, the Divine Female. The biological
destiny of women, which has been used against us, is actually the basis of our Divine. Think this time about the
Source of Life. Know that you are part of that. Pleasure and birthing are considered sources of energy. Birthing is a
manifestation of re-creation of other human beings. Pleasure is a manifestation of self-re-creation. Pleasure is worship
because it replenishes the soul. The nerves like it. It's good for you. Anything that is good for you is a ritual of the
Goddess, who says, "All acts of love and pleasure are my rituals." So, as you touch your genitals, contemplate all the
things in your life which bring you pleasure.
Lastly, dip your fingers and touch your feet, saying, "Bless my feet to walk in Your paths.' ' Wherever your mind
leads, your feet will soon follow, and so you must desire to make a straight path: to follow a life-orientation pattern
towards yourself, your world, your people, everything around you. The responsibility which you accept is that you are [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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