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ideas can be brought forward into the conscious mind with far greater ease, and there is often a trend
towards a more creative mental attitude. When an intellectual high is taking place, it is an excellent
time to make any big business decisions, while the mind is operating at its peak.
The negative period of the intellectual cycle runs for a further 16 1/2 days and again there is a natural
rest period taking place. The mind doesn't suddenly cease to function, or necessarily become dull,
there is just an easing down in creative effort, the intellectual energy is at a lower ebb. As Bernard
Gittleson says in Biorhythm 'Most of us find it hard to resist closing our minds during this period, so
that we can recharge our brain cells.' There is a tendency for the memory to be somewhat dulled
during this particular rest period and ideally any examinations should take place during the positive
part of this cycle. If an important decision, or an exam, can't be avoided during this 'down' period, then
a great deal of extra effort is needed on the part of the participant. For example, if I have to do an
important lecture, or make a television appearance during an intellectually negative period, then I
make doubly sure that I really know my material both backwards and forwards, I don't leave anything
up to chance. When the critical days occur in this cycle, when the curve touches the zero line either
entering the positive arena, or going down to the negative side, any matters of vital importance should
be deferred for that day.
It must be stressed that biorhythms do not allow anyone to be able to make predictions, or to foretell
the future. They simply give indications of our various states on any day, both physical, emotional and
intellectual. They enable us to see where our strengths or weaknesses lie so that we can work within
our limits and give the best performance of which we are capable. Biorhythms provide a useful guide,
enabling us to get the maximum out of each day, working with Nature. It would be impossible to
expect our bodies to go on working flat out, at full-throttle, without a pause. Naturally, there have to
be moments of quiet and relaxation, so that we can gather strength for the next busy period. And so
with biorhythms, Nature has again been shown to have infinite wisdom.
Finally, I would like to give some concrete examples of biorhythms at work. One prime case which is
often quoted, concerns the actor Clark Gable. He had a heart attack on 5 November 1960, and at this
time was on a critical day physically. When he died on 16 November, he was on his next critical day
in the physical cycle. Actress Marilyn Monroe took an overdose of sleeping pills on 4 June 1961,
when both her physical and emotional cycles were at a critical point on her biorhythm chart.
Fortunately, on this occasion, she was found by friends, and revived before the pills took their toll.
She finally died after another overdose, on 5 August 1962, when she had a physically critical day, and
was at a low point emotionally.
In the sporting arena and on a happy note, the Olympic swimmer, Mark Spitz, won seven gold medals
in a period when both his physical and emotional levels were right up in the positive area of his chart.
The famous chess player, Bobby Fischer, had only one loss during the 1962/63 chess championships,
and when he suffered that loss, his biorhythm chart showed an emotionally critical day.
If you are a keen golfer, biorhythms can be an enormous help. Take the case of Arnold Palmer - he
was taking part in the British Open Golf Tournament in July, 1962. He won the title with a total score
of 276, four strokes ahead of his nearest rival. It was an exhibition of superb golf, it is also an
interesting sample of what biorhythms are all about. During that phenomenal week Arnold Palmer's
chart showed that he had a triple high point. All three rhythms were at the top of the positive tree, an
event that only takes place about twice every twelve months.
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