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slow, so as not to attract attention. If he had to guess, he thought just two
GC guards were in the car. He phoned Zeke.  Any more activity?
 Nope. Was that you what just passed? Nice rig.
 I'm going to circle way around and see if I can come in from the back with my
lights off. Might take ten minutes. I'll call you when I'm in position.
Buck drove until he couldn't see even the outline of the station in his
rearview mirror, assuming the GC could no longer see him either. He cut his
lights and took a right, slowly feeling his way over rough ground. He was a
couple of miles from the station, and he wanted to be sure he didn't find a
hidden fence or culvert that would mess up the Hummer.
At one point, after taking two more rights and thus heading in the general
direction of the back of the station, he felt the vehicle dip and hoped he
hadn't found a hole too deep to pull out of. When the front grille hit
something solid, he hit the brakes and briefly turned on the headlights. He
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shut them off again quickly, hoping the GC
hadn't seen anything in the distance. Buck saw that he needed to back up and
swing left around a five-foot-high or so mound of dirt and boards.
He wanted to turn on his brights and be able to see if anything else
obstructed his path to the back of the station, but he didn't dare. By the
time he could make out the
shape of the place, he slowed to just a few miles an hour and crept along in
the uneven dirt, bouncing, jostling, and he hoped not sending up too much
dust. It was a starry night, and if the GC noticed anything blocking the sky,
they were sure to come nosing around the back. Buck phoned Zeke.  I hear you,
Zeke said.
 You hear me? From inside? That can't be good.
 That's what I was thinking. You ready for me?
 Better come quick. Carrying anything?
 Yeah, one more bag. Figured I might as well not leave anything I could
 Good thinking. Come on.
 Gotta open the spigot and turn on the timer.
 For how long?
 Five minutes.
 Anything on the monitor?
 They're just sittin'.
 Good. Let's go.
Buck knew he could come back the way he came, and though the ride would be
pretty rugged, he estimated he could do as much as 40 mph. But in case the GC
could hear the Hummer as well as Zeke could, he jumped out and started loading
the car to save time.
The inside light stayed dark as he opened the door to get out, and he left it
open. He opened the back door on the far side and crept around to start
lifting. The first box was almost too heavy, and it was all he could do to not
cry out under the weight. He heard Zeke coming up the stairs.
Buck lugged the box onto the backseat from the car door farthest from the
station's back door, feeling every sore fiber from his recent ordeal. When he
got back around the car to grab the other box, figuring Zeke could load the
bag he was carrying and the one on the ground at the same time, he nearly ran
into the young man, startling him.
Zeke grunted. Buck tried to shush him, but Zeke dropped his bag and lurched
back inside, slamming the door. Buck heard him lumbering down the stairs. Now
they were making way too much noise.
Buck yanked open the station door and called out desperately, as quietly as he
could,  Zeke, it's just me! C'mon, man! Now!
 Oh, man! Zeke hollered.  I thought it was them! The timer's goin', the gas
is spittin'. And they're comin', Buck! I can see 'em on the monitor!
Buck turned and opened the back door nearest the station. He picked up the bag
that had been waiting and the one Zeke had dropped and hurled them across the
backseat. He left the door open and jumped behind the wheel, slamming his door
and putting the Hummer in gear. Zeke barreled out and dove into the backseat,
knocking one of the bags out the other side, where Buck had left the door
Buck floored the accelerator, but Zeke yelled,  We can't leave that bag! It's
got lots of stuff we need!
The door had started to close when Buck took off, but when he hit the brakes,
it swung the other way and creaked against the hinges.  Get it! he screamed,
Zeke scrambled over the stuff and out onto the ground, his foot dragging a bag
out too. And here came the GC mobile around the station in front of Buck.
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 Go! Go! Zeke yelled, forcing himself into the backseat with both heavy bags
tucked under his arms.
The door was still open, but Buck had to move. He gunned the engine and
slammed into the GC car, driving it back against the station as his back door
shut. The guards had weapons out and appeared to be reaching for door handles.
Buck knew he couldn't outrace bullets, so he threw the Hummer into Reverse, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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