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bodies. Truly, the structural unit must be inviolable when it has been called forth by the necessity
of evolution. One should understand the distinction between that which is admitted and that which
is incontestably given.
89. Our Community does not need affirmations and oaths. Genuine are the expenditures of labor,
and unforgettable are the manifestations of obligation. Can there possibly be prolixity where lives
have been taken into custody where an hour may become the longest measure? Could one betray
the possibilities of a time when spirit and movement are being denied? It is necessary to overcome
timidity, to sense the vortex of the spiral, and in the heart of the vortex to have the tranquility of
So much have I said about courage and against fear, because We have only a cosmic
scientific method! At entrance one must make accounting to oneself as to where is fear and
whether the courage is steadfast.
I do not see a single detail of dialectics or methodics. We know only the austere flowers of
necessity. And it is necessary to reach Us carrying a realization of immutability.
Austerity is not insensibility, and immutability is not limitation. Through all the gravitation
of the firmament you will sense the vortex of space, and you will stretch forth your hand to the far-
off worlds. It is impossible to force the perception of the manifestation of the worlds; but, indeed,
through this cognizance do we accept responsible labor and devote ourselves to the real
possibilities of evolution.
90. In order to understand mobility of action, one should muddy the surface of water in a basin and
observe the immobility of the lower strata of the fluid. To move it, it is necessary to stir the surface
sufficiently strongly that the rhythm may carry to the bottom without break. Negative forces do not
have a conduit to the bottom, because for this it is needed to decompose the primary substance;
such an experiment is beyond their strength.
Newcomers often inquire where the boundary line is between a mobile stratum and an
incontestable foundation. Indeed, there can be no established boundary, but the law of refraction is
established, and an arrow cannot reach without intersecting the predetermined line.
How then to prevent the dealing of a blow to the strata? Indeed, it is necessary to provide
for firm pillars, which will break up a current. I have mentioned the spindle of the spirit as the
center of a spiral. Keep this structure in mind, because inflexibility, surrounded by centrifugal
motion, can resist all agitations. The structure of Our Community calls to mind the same spindles
surrounded by powerful spirals. It is the best structure for the battle, the end of which is a foregone
conclusion. Thus, it is necessary to understand Our structures materially. And why is an
unintelligible abstraction necessary, when the principle of the Cosmos is one? The system of the
growth of crystals also demonstrates how multiform is the world of gravitation. Seekers can
understand that one has to proceed along material lines in pursuing higher knowledge. Whoever
does not love the clarity of crystals will not reach Us. Unrepeatable purity means perfection of
form. One may show a crystal to a child, and the child will grasp the perfection of it. Indeed the
structure of the crystals of the community will yield perfection of form.
91. Why is it necessary to be awkward? Why is it necessary to create an impression of ignorance?
Why must those who adhere to Us be neglectful? Why must they adopt quarrelsome manner when
a dispute is going on? Why must they prattle without end? Go around unwarranted dirt. You see
how necessary it is to emphasize each detail; otherwise the customs of Our Community will not be
strengthened in you.
The discipline of freedom distinguishes Our communities. Not only is the spirit
disciplined, but also the qualities of external actions. It is not Our custom to grieve too much. It is
not Our custom to censure too much. It is not Our custom to count on people too broadly. It is not
Our custom to expect too much. It is needed to be able to replace a complicated plan with a simpler
one never the reverse for Our adversaries act from the simple to the complex. Ponder how to
strengthen your friends.
Maintain pure air in your dwellings, project to those who come best wishes, and await Us
intently. Let each community await its Teacher, for a community and a Teacher constitute the ends
of one and the same column. Even in daily trifles it is necessary to remember the foundation of the
house. Again we arrive at the necessity of altering the quality of the consciousness; then the
transition is easy.
92. Menacing hands do not reach you when you proceed surrounded by the spiral of devotion. If
through lower physical sight the eye could see the armor of devotion, then the man would already
not be in a state of lower consciousness. Lessons of former lives do not reach closed eyes. Verily,
without wings over the abyss remains each one who approaches Our Community in an outworn
consciousness. Each one who attempts to approach Us in pride will be struck as if by an explosion
of ozone. But how to explain that We do not smite, that the proud one smites himself? In the same
way perishes he who enters a powderhouse in metallic footwear. Knowing how to use steel spikes
on shoes makes a fair runner, but any workman will advise to wear soft slippers when walking on [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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