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 Someone called my publicist and asked for confirmation that I broke up your engagement to Jason
and stole you from him.
 It was probably 
 No matter who said what, it was going to become public knowledge anyway, Morgan. I don t
want to evade questions any more. I want everyone to know we are married.
 Won t this hurt your career?
 I like to call moments like these media speed bumps. He laughed.
She smiled in response.  Not that I don t appreciate it when you said you wanted to cheer me up
after that fiasco of a barbecue, but where are we going?
All she d been able to see was the plane ascending from the private airport and was now headed in
some unknown direction.
 We are going to my ranch in Texas.
Morgan s eyes almost bugged out of her head.  Don t you have to shoot a commercial in a few
 Yes. We will be here three days max, and then we go back.
 I can t take off like this, the bookstore&  She huffed.
 I called Michelle and asked if she would do me a super huge favor in return for tickets in my box
this season.
 You are slick, Seth Blake.
 I prefer the words crafty, spontaneous, and good under pressure.
 No, slick aptly describes what you did.
 If you say so, Morgan Blake, he said as he gazed into her eyes.  That name growing on you yet?
 I m warming up to it.
 Good. Seth leaned forward and kissed her on the mouth.
* * *
The Twelve Horseshoes ranch was a huge piece of land. Morgan fell in love immediately with the
house and the stables. The staff welcomed her and, to her surprise, she didn t get one strange look.
She got a few howdy ma ams and the house staff addressed her as Mrs. Blake. Again she was in the
center of contrasts. His Philadelphia penthouse life was nothing like his ranch life. She wandered
around as Seth made phone calls. He seemed busy so she found her way down to the stables on her
She walked through the barn, acclimating herself to the smells. This was Seth s world. Not playing
football in some city no matter how much they paid him. She felt his soul resonating on the ranch.
As she walked through the stables, she saw a short, older woman coming her way with a horse. She
was dressed in dusty jeans, a red long-sleeved shirt, and had a cowboy hat pulled closely over her
eyes. She appeared to be one of the ranch hands. The woman stopped in front of her.
 Hi, there. You must be Morgan, the woman said.
Morgan peeped under the woman s cowboy hat and replied,  Yes, it s nice to meet you. That is a
beautiful horse.
The horse was a lovely brown color with a white patch near the center of his head. He looked
serene but feisty at the same time.
 Yes, he is. He s a new edition to our family. Seth got him last week.
 I don t know much about horses, and I certainly haven t been up close to many, but he s
magnificent. Morgan breathed as she reached out and stroked his mane.  Have you known Seth
 All his life. The woman smiled enigmatically.
 What s his name?
 Reed s Fire, Seth said from behind her.
Morgan turned around and smiled.  Odd name for a horse.
Seth came behind her and put his arms around her waist.  Reed s Fire is much like his owner.
Sweet and tender one minute and hell on wheels the next. I think you two will get along great.
It took a moment for the words to sink in. Seth then lifted the older woman, twirled her around, and
let out a yell.  It s good to be home! I missed you, Mama.
 I missed you too, baby.
 Morgan, this is my mom, Teri Lyn Blake. He smiled sweetly.
 No need in running now, honey, you ve already married my son, Teri Lyn said with a hearty
Morgan didn t realize she d begun backing slowly out of the barn after Seth s declaration.  Oh! I
didn t mean& 
 Don t worry, his mother drawled,  I m familiar with the fight-or-flight syndrome.
 Mama has a wicked since of humor. He winked.
His mother turned to him.  She is exactly as you described her. I think she and Reed s Fire will get
along great.
* * *
After two hours of goading and encouragement, Morgan was finally on Reed s Fire. Seth had
saddled up Iris and they were taking a leisurely stroll. As the sun began to set behind a clearing, Seth
 I have a confession to make. I crashed into you on the beach. I was trying to get your attention.
Actually, I d been trying to get your attention for three days, and I was getting desperate. I had Patton
throw a long pass but I underestimated how far he d throw after having six of those Tropical [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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