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This trick can be performed for more than one spectator at a time.
Perhaps that's something to contemplate.
-59- 20 Questions
Effect: A deck is riffled for a woman to think of any card she sees.
You explain that her future is revealed in the card to which she was drawn.
You look into her eyes and tell her that her card was a red card. She says
you are correct. You explain that red cards are about relationships; other
people as it were. You tell her that face cards indicate people of great power.
You ask her if the person you are trying to picture is very powerful. She says
he isn't. You continue giving readings about the unknown person until you
identify him and reveal the though card.
Method: Although this is simple, it is very strong. Pump the spectator
for the facts about her card, but do it in a manner that appears as if you are
making statements about the person not the card. Just say what each bit
about the card means, then make a statement about the person. Each time
you are correct (as in the basic effect you are always correct) make a
statement about the person.
At the conclusion of the reading you have identified the subject and
can reveal the mentally chosen card. By knowing what she was thinking, not
the card, you are answering questions that don't need to be written. This
trick is based on George Anderson's Twenty Questions trick in his book. It
Must be Mindreading. The Cassandra Deck™ adds a real kicker to this
-60- Strange Coincidence
Effect: You announce that you need a couple of people with
"simpatico". You riffle the cards for several people in the room. You ask all
those with red cards in mind to stand. You ask those thinking of a face card
to sit. Finally you have two people standing and you reveal that they are
thinking of the same card; then you announce the card! These people are
used in your next demonstration of ESP.
Method: This is very like Tossed explained before. Here, however,
you don't need to reveal more than one card. You are eliminating the force
cards and noting who responds. If two people sit down when you ask about
face cards, they both are thinking of the queen. You can sit everyone and
concentrate on those two.
Each party will be slightly different, but you will be able to find two
out of six with the same card in mind every time. These people are used in
your next ESP demonstration requiring two people for a telepathic test.
-61- Birthday Wish
Effect: You look at a young woman's palm. You are delighted that
you can see her lucky card, so you make a note of it on a slip of paper. You
set the slip under your drink.
You continue the palm reading and ask her for her day of birth. You
add the month number and date together to get a strong numerological
indicator. You tell the woman what this indicator means. You tell of lost
dreams and hopes regained. Then you propose an experiment.
You shuffle a deck of cards and hand it to her. She is to deal down
the number of cards off the top as her numerological indicator. She sets the
last card aside as you explain that if the card to which she dealt is the same
as her lucky card, her wish will come true. So she closes her eyes and makes
a wish.
When she opens the slip of paper and reads the note she finds it
matches the card from the deck. Her wish will be granted!
Method: Women are more interested in their future and wishes than a
thousand card tricks combined! Use the Harder but Better Secret Formula
(appendix again) to know what card is at her number. When you act as if
noting the lucky card on the paper, be certain she doesn't see what you
write. Palm the slip out from under the glass while acting as if placing it
there. When you know which slip to cop from the pocket index, cop it and
add it under the drink while she is dealing. Just lift the glass and let the slip
drop. Let her pick it up. She will remember that it never left her sight.
Of course the shuffle is false.
-62- Checker/Bingo
Effect: Two spectators help you, a man and a woman. On display is a
large checker board with each square numbered. The man will be in charge
of the board. The woman is handed a deck of cards.
You hold a different colored checker in each hand; one red and one
black. You let the woman choose a hand. She gets, for example, red. Now,
because she chose red, she peeks in the deck of cards and remembers any red
card she sees.
The man uses magnetic black checkers to choose eight numbers from
a checker board. Every time he puts a checker on a square, you use a marker
to draw through all the squares directly above, below and to both sides of his
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