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The Doctor went with Lethbridge-Stewart to the
Operations Room and stood looking at the map. One by one
the station indicator lights were flickering and going out.
Oxford Circus, Green Park, Trafalgar Square. There were
only five lights still on the board —Piccadilly Circus, Leicester
Square, Tottenham Court Road, Goodge Street and Warren
Street. ‘This time the Web is really closing in,’ said the
Colonel grimly.
The Doctor nodded. ‘We’re the fly all right. But where’s
the spider?’
‘Give the others a hand clearing up, will you, Corporal
Blake?’ said the Colonel. When Blake was gone he turned to
the Doctor. ‘This theory of yours —that someone amongst us
is working with the Yeti. Could it have been Travers all
‘I doubt it. Why stage the attack? He could simply have
gone off to join them. Now Chorley did just quietly disappear
and I’d say he was a much more likely candidate. On the
other hand, the person in league with the Intelligence could
still be among us.’
‘I am uncomfortably aware of that fact! Well, what now?’
‘I must get on with Travers’s work just as fast as I can.’
‘Do you think you can succeed in time, Doctor?’
‘To be honest I’m not sure,’ the Doctor replied sadly.
‘With the state the laboratory’s in... Now if I could reach the
TARDIS... I’ve got all kinds of equipment in there... But that’s
‘Where is this TARDIS of yours?’
‘Somewhere near Covent Garden.’
‘And what does it look like?’
‘Like a Police Box,’ said the Doctor simply. ‘But there’s
no chance of reaching it now. I have a feeling the Intelligence
knows about it—and the Intelligence wants me trapped here.
The TARDIS will be well guarded by now. I’ll see what I can
do in the laboratory. Anne will help. I expect I can bodge
something up.’
When the Doctor had gone, Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart
stood staring at the map. The enemy was closing in—and he
was powerless to fight back. The deaths of his men at the
Fortress had left him in a state of helpless anger. Now he was
condemned to wait, while the Doctor ‘bodged something up’.
By the time Captain Knight came into the room, the Colonel
had reached a decision. ‘Pick me a squad of the fittest men
and have them ready to move out. The Doctor has some
important scientific equipment in a box near Covent Garden.
I’m going to fetch it for him.’
The Doctor, Jamie, Victoria and Anne Travers were
clearing up the mess in the laboratory. As they straightened
the benches and tried to get the equipment back into some
kind of order, Anne Travers said, ‘But why did they take him,
The Doctor lifted a broken piece of equipment.
‘Presumably because he was a danger to them. He was
working on a way to deal with the Yeti, wasn’t he, and fairly
near to success?’
‘We were almost ready to test a kind of control unit I’d
built—that thing you’re holding. Father was trying to activate
another sphere!’ Anne produced it from her pocket. ‘Luckily I
was working on it myself when they attacked... I don’t think it
was damaged when I fell.’
The Doctor examined Anne’s control unit. ‘Oh yes, a
splendid piece of work—and nearly complete. If we can
repair this, and add a few improvements, it will certainly
control the sphere. But will it actually over-ride commands
transmitted by the Intelligence?’
‘Can you repair it, Doctor?’
The Doctor looked at the piles of shattered equipment.
‘I can—if we can find all the bits I need.’
Private Evans sidled into the room, shaking his head at
the sight of the damage. ‘Right old mess, innit? Sergeant
Arnold said I’d better give you this, Doctor. It was found in
the Ops Room, see?’
The Doctor said, ‘You know what this is, don’t you? A [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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