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2. Fromm, E. and R.E. Shor (eds.), 1979, "Hypnosis:
Developments in Researchand New Perspectives,"
3. Tinterow, M.M. (ed.), 1855 (1970), "Foundations of Hypnosis,"
Springfield,Il.: Charles Thomas.
4. Lecron, L.M. (ed.), 1954, "Experimental Hypnosis,"
5. Naish, P.L.N. (ed.), 1986, "What is hypnosis? Current Theories
andResearch," Philadelphia: Open University Press.
3. General overviews by single authors and important or useful articles
addressing specific major issues related to hypnosis.
1. General single-author overviews, non-special-state views,
social andexperimental views.
1. * Bowers, K.S., "Hypnosis for the Seriously Curious"
2. Barber, Theodore X., Spanos, Nicholas P., and Chaves,
John F. (1974)Hypnosis, Imagination, and Human
Potentialities. Pergamon.
3. Spanos, N.P. and J.F. Chaves (eds.), 1989, "Hypnosis:
TheCognitive-Behavioral Perspective," N.Y.,
Prometheus Press.
4. * Barber, T.X., 1969, "Hypnosis: A Scientific
Approach," N.Y.: VanNostrand Reinhold.
5. Spanos, N.P., 1986, "Hypnotic Behavior: A Social-
Psychological interpretation of amnesia, analgesia, and
'trance logic,'" Behavioral andBrain Sciences, 9:449-
6. Wagstaff, G.F., 1981, "Hypnosis, Compliance, and
Belief," N.Y.:St. MartinsPress.
7. Hull, Clark L., 1933, "Hypnosis and Suggestibility: An
ExperimentalApproach," Appleton-Century-Crofts.
8. Sarbin, Theodore and William Coe, 1972, "Hypnosis,"
9. Weitzenhoffer, Andre, 1953, "Hypnotism: An Objective
Study in Suggestibility," N.Y.: Wiley.
10. Bowers, K.S., and Thomas M. Davidson, 1991, "A
Neodissociative Critique ofSpanos' Social Psychological
Model of Hypnosis," in Lynn and Rhue, Theories of
Hypnosis, 1991, N.Y.: Guilford Press, pp. 105-143.
2. On state-specific theories, dissociation, and multiple
1. * Hilgard, Ernest R., 1977, "Divided Consciousness:
Multiple Controls inHuman Thought and Action," John
Wiley & Sons.
: Hypnosis: A Selected Bibliography by Todd I. Stark
2. Spanos, Nicholas P. (1986) "Hypnosis, Nonvolitional
Responding andMultiple Personality: A Social
Psychological Analysis," in Brendan A. Maherand
Winifred B. Maher (editors), Progress in Experimental
PersonalityResearch, vol. 14, pp. 1-62. Academic Press.
(Critical of dissociationtheory).
3. White, R.W., 1941, "A Preface to a Theory of
Hypnotism," The Journal ofAbnormal and Social
4. White, R.W., and B.J. Shevach, 1942, "Hypnosis and
the Concept ofDissociation," Journal of Abnormal and
Social Psychology, 37:309-328.
5. Hilgard, E.R., 1991, "A Neodissociation Interpretation
of Hypnosis," inLynn and Rhue (eds.), Theories of
Hypnosis, N.Y.:Guilford Press, pp.83-104.
6. Fischer, Roland, "State-Bound Knowledge," Aug. 1976,
Psychology Today, 10, pp. 68-72.
7. Prince, Morton, 1957, "The Dissociation of a
Personality," N.Y.:MeridianBooks.
8. Thigpen, Corbett and Hervey Cleckley, 1957, "The
Three Faces of Eve,"N.Y.: McGraw Hill.
9. Putnam, F., 1984, "The Psychophysiological
Investigation of Multiple Personality Disorder,"
Psychiatric Clinics or North America, 7:31-39.
10. Goleman, D., 1988, "Probing the Enigma of Multiple
Personality," N.Y.Times, June 28, pp. C1,C13.
11. Braun, B., 1983, "Psychophysiologic Phenomena in
Multiple Personality andHypnosis," American Journal
of Clinical Hypnosis, 26:124-135.
12. Coons, P.M. et al., 1982, "EEG Studies of two multiple
personalities and acontrol," Archives of General
Psychiatry, July, 39:823.
13. * Bliss, E., 1984, "Spontaneous Self-Hypnosis in
Multiple Personality Disorder," Psychiatric Clinics of
North America, 7:137.
14. Humphrey, N. and D.C. Dennett, 1989, "Speaking for
Ourselves: An Assessment of Multiple Personality
Disorder," Raritan, 9: pp. 68-98.
15. O'Regan, B. and T. Hurley, 1985, "Multiple Personality:
Mirrors of a NewModel of Mind?," Investigations,
Institute of Noetic Sciences.
16. Ross, C.A. (1989) Multiple Personality Disorder:
Diagnosis, Clinical Features, and Treatment. John Wiley
and Sons
17. Putnam, F.W.(1989) Diagnosis & Treatment of Multiple
Personality Disorder. Guilford Press.
18. Kluft, R.P & Fine, C.G. (eds) (1993) Clinical
Perspectives on MultiplePersonality Disorder. American
Psychiatric Press.
19. Lowenstein, R.J. (guest editor) The Psychiatric Clinics
of North America,Special volume on multiple
personality disorder, September, 1991 (Volume
14,No.3). W.B. Saunders Company.
20. An exhaustive bibliography on multiple personality
: Hypnosis: A Selected Bibliography by Todd I. Stark
disorder was at onetime available from George Greaves,
Ph.D., 529 Pharr Rd., Atlanta, GA 30305.
21. * Beahrs, J.O,, (1982) "Unity and Multiplicity:
Multilevel Consciousness of Self in Hypnosis,
Psychiatric Disorder and Mental Health." New
22. Braude, Stephen, (1991), "First Person Plural: Multiple
Personality andthe Philosophy of Mind." London:
3. The Communications Perspective: Milton Erickson,
NeurolinguisticProgramming, etc..
1. * Rossi, E. (ed.), 1980, "The Collected Papers of Milton
H. Erickson on hypnosis", (4 vols), N.Y.: Irvington.
2. Zeig, Jeffrey and Peter Rennick, 1991, "Ericksonian
Hypnotherapy: ACommunications Approach to
Hypnosis," in Lynn and Rhue (eds),Theories of
Hypnosis, N.Y.:Guilford Press.
3. Havens, R.A. (ed.), 1992, "The Wisdom of Milton H.
Erickson", (2 vols),N.Y., Irvington
4. Bandler, RIchard and John Grinder, (Judith Delozier),
1975/1977 (2 vols),"Patterns of the hypnotic techniques
of Milton H. Erickson, M.D." Cupertino,Ca.: Meta
5. Grinder, John and Richard Bandler (ed. Connirae
Andreas), 1981,"Trance-Formations: Neurolinguistic
Programming and the Structure ofHypnosis," Utah:Real
People Press.
6. Moine, Donald and Kenneth Lloyd, 1990, "Unlimited
Selling Power: How toMaster Hypnotic Selling Skills,"
N.J.:Prentice Hall.
4. Hypnosis, volition, mind control, abuse of hypnosis. Also legal
aspectsand psychology of coercion.
1. Barber, Theodore X. (1961) "Antisocial and Criminal
Acts Induced by Hypnosis: A Review of Experimental
and Clinical Findings," Archives of GeneralPsychiatry
2. Hoencamp, Erik (1990) "Sexual Abuse and the Abuse of
Hypnosis in theTherapeutic Relationship," International
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 38:283-
3. Katz, Leo (1987) Bad Acts and Guilty Minds:
Conundrums of the CriminalLaw. University of Chicago
4. * Levitt, Eugene E. (1977) "Research Strategies in
Evaluating the CoercivePower of Hypnosis," Annals of
the New York Academy of Sciences 296:86-89.
5. Levitt, Eugene E., Baker, Elgan L., Jr., and Fish, Ronald
C. (1990) "Some Conditions of Compliance and
Resistance Among Hypnotic Subjects," American
Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 32(April):225-236.
6. Marks, John (1979) The Search for the "Manchurian
Candidate": The CIA and Mind Control. Times Books.
7. Milgram, Stanley (1974) Obedience to Authority: An
Experimental View.Harper & Row.
: Hypnosis: A Selected Bibliography by Todd I. Stark
8. Orne, Martin T. (1972) "Can A Hypnotized Subject Be
Compelled To Carry OutOtherwise Unacceptable
Behavior? A Discussion," International Journal
ofClinical Hypnosis 20:101-117.
9. Orne, Martin T. and Evans, Frederick J. (1965) "Social
Control in the Psychological Experiment: Antisocial
Behavior and Hypnosis," Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology 1:189-200.
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