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But all parties involved must have a stake in maintaining the order.
Without law and order, human beings are much like those missiles waiting in their silos for The Button to
be pushed. And law and order cannot be one-way, conqueror to slave. Not for long. To make a legal
system work, all the parties involved must work at it. When a nation decides to claim extra offshore
territory, or to deny the freedom of space to another nation, the international system of law and order
breaks down. War is on the way. Those nations have decided that they stand to gain more by asserting
their individual rights, than by observing the rights of other nations.
And when people ignore the law to incite riots, to bug telephones, to beat up kids and then charge them
with resisting arrest, to pelt firemen with stones, they're creating anarchy and tearing down the protections
of a legal and orderly society.
Many people utter the words "Law and Order" as if they were sacred. Damned few people live up to
Analog Science Fiction / Science Fact [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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