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excitement a few points (for example, from 6 down to 4). Slow down or lighten
the pressure of your strokes. Change direction. If you're on the head, move to
the shaft. If you've been enjoying long strokes, shorten them.
3) Follow the same regimen as Stop-Start Peaking, repeating each series six
times up to 6, 8, and 9 or more.
4) Now extend your pleasure stamina using subtle adjustments. Again and
again, pleasure vajra up to 9 and then interrupt the ascent for a moment
before continuing.
5) When you can continue pleasuring vajra for 30 minutes using subtle
adjustments to drop your excitement level a few points, repeat the whole
process with a lubricated hand.
Subtle Adjustments Peaking will come in handy soon since you'll use it during
intercourse later in the program. Is it obvious how critical these last two
exercises are? Master them completely through repetition before moving on.
When can get to 9 and back off without stopping or cuming for 30 minutes,
you're ready to include the Tantric techniques that follow. But before you do,
take a moment to appreciate your progress. By getting to this point, you've
transformed your sexual pattern into one that already closely resembles the
lovemaking reality you want to create.
Exercise: Breath Peaking
Ultimately, the Ultimate Ecstatic Solution is a Tantric process in which you
bask at high states of arousal circulating sexual energy throughout your body
and exchanging it with a partner. That's why I recommend you start practicing
the energy-oriented version of peaking here. Breath Peaking is one of the key
subtle methods of reducing your excitement during lovemaking. Since we all
tend to breathe through the mouth during orgasm, you're going to switch to
nasal breathing here because it's less arousing.
1) Self-pleasure vajra slowly up to 6 with either a dry or lubricated hand,
depending on how sensitive you feel and how well you've done with previous
mastery exercises.
2) Instead of stopping stimulation, slow down slightly. Open your eyes wide,
inhale more deeply into the belly, but this time through the NOSE, and hold
your breath.
3) Relax completely as you exhale, visualizing your sexual fire streaming out of
vajra, and moaning with pleasure to release energy.
4) Inhale again through the nose, visualizing pleasure energy moving up vajra
through your pelvis to your heart or even higher.
5) Can you feel your excitement lessen simply by slowing your breath? Play
with it until you can, using stop-start and subtle adjustments as needed.
6) Follow the same regimen as with the peaking exercises, repeating each series
six times up to 6, 8, and 9 or more.
7) Alternatively, some people report that fast panting releases energy suddenly.
Try it.
8) As you practice and get closer and closer to cuming, see if you can back your
excitement off just by slowing and deepening your breath through the nose.
4.2 Interrupting Ejaculation
In this section I've collected both ancient and modern techniques that you can
use to interrupt ejaculation when you get too close to 9.9. I've included this in
the spirit of completeness, knowing some things work better for some guys
than others. OK, this really is a confession. Though I'm good at the other
exercises in this book, I'm not very good at these interruption techniques.
Maybe I haven't practiced them enough because they're not essentially Tantric.
Tantra says don't resist things, flow with the energy that's rising, and enjoy it.
I always try to put myself in a position where I don't have to concentrate on
stopping anything. So maybe my heart hasn't been in it when practicing these
That's probably the lousiest pep talk you've ever heard. In spite of that, I want
you to try all of them. All you've got to waste is a little sperm, right? These
methods really are different versions of the stop-and-start method we did in the
peaking section. I'm hoping that one or more will work really well for you so
you can add tools to your lovemaking arsenal. I've presented them as separate
exercises, but feel free to try several of them at once if that works for you.
Exercise: Perineum Press
The perineum is the part of your pelvic floor between your devamani and anus.
Below the base of vajra, there's a soft spot through which you can apply
pressure to your prostate. Logically, we call the external prostate spot the
Prostate Point. Since my shiva lingam (erection) extends almost to my rosetta,
my Prostate Point is very near my anus. But that's not the case for everyone.
If you don't know where yours is, take a little break now and search for the
little indentation down there that has less resistance to pushing in and up. It
should feel good deep inside when you find it and press hard. (That's why this
is called a hands-on program.)
Some call the prostate the male equivalent of a woman's G spot. Have you ever
had an erotic prostate massage either externally or through your rosetta?
Though the internal variety takes some hygiene precautions like immediate
finger disinfecting or use of rubber gloves, the pleasure it gives can be
incredible once learned. By the way, I'm in no way talking about those
insensitive exams doctors give, shoving their finger up their to check the size of
your prostate.
Occasional firm rhythmic pulsing pressure on your Prostate Point can be
highly pleasurable if applied with skill and sensitivity. Stroking vajra and your
G-spot at the same time can be incredible, lengthening and intensifying all
kinds of orgasms, especially the explosive ones. Some say prostate massage is
good for your health too, but our main concern here is how to interrupt
squirting. Fortunately, it helps with that, too.
Prostate stimulation is reported to reduce your likelihood of exploding
involuntarily since it purges the gland of the fluid necessary for emission. If
you push hard on your Prostate Point right before the point of no return, it
blocks the emission phase. The Perineum Press prevents seminal fluid from
entering the urethral canal when the spasms start. Even if you have orgasmic
contractions, the semen remains and is reabsorbed. This is a great way to
experience dry orgasm, pleasurable contractions without ejaculating. But look
out, if you stimulate your prostate, your anus, the buried base of vajra, or your [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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