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the card and start a new thread.
Continue to follow the instructions a section at a time. Some patterns uses beads. These are held in place
with stitching. You may need to use a beading needle if the bead holes are very fine.
If you are using a double fold card (a card with three panels) then place the completed card on your
work surface with the right side facing downwards. Fold the left-hand panel across to cover and hide the
back of the stitching work. Secure the panel in place with double-sided adhesive tape or card adhesive.
The stitching of your card is now complete. You may choose to add a suitable greeting with stickers,
stamping or handwriting.
Stitching Terminology.
Where the instructions say  Out at this means passing the needle through a hole from the back of the
card to the front.
Where the instructions say  In at this means passing the needle through a hole from the front of the
card to the back.
Where the design calls for back stitch this works as follows:
Out at 2inat 1
1 2 3 4
Out at 3inat 2
Out at 4inat 3
Where the design calls for stem stitch this works as follows:
Out at 1inat 3
1 3 4 5
Out at 2inat 4
Out at 3inat 5
Copyright © 2009 Stitching Cards
Web site www.stitchingcards.com
Stitching Cards, PO Box 795, St. Albans, AL2 2ZQ, UK [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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