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is death passing over the head, but it was not death that passed over
It was the malady of the age, or rather that girl was it herself; and it
was she who, with her pale, half-mocking features, came and seated
herself before me near the door of the tavern.
THE instant I noticed her resemblance to my mistress a frightful idea
occurred to me; it took irresistible possession of my muddled mind and I
put it into execution at once.
I took that girl home with me, I arranged my room just as I was
accustomed to do when my mistress was with me. I was dominated by a
certain recollection of past joys.
Having arranged my room to my satisfaction I gave myself up to the
intoxication of despair. I probed my heart to the bottom in order to
sound its depths. A Tyrolean song that my mistress used to sing began to
run through my head:
Altra volta gieri biele,
Blanch 'e rossa com' un flore;
Ma ora no. Non son piu biele,
Consumatis dal' amore.*
* Once I was beautiful, white and rosy as a flower; but now I am
not. I am no longer beautiful, consumed by the fire of love.
I listened to the echo of that song as it reverberated through my heart.
I said: "Behold the happiness of man; behold my little Paradise; behold
my queen Mab, a girl from the streets. My mistress is no better. Behold
what is found at the bottom of the glass when the nectar of the gods has
been drained; behold the corpse of love."
The unfortunate creature heard me singing and began to sing herself. I
turned pale; for that harsh and rasping voice, coming from the lips of
one who resembled my mistress, seemed to be a symbol of my experience. It
sounded like a gurgle in the throat of debauchery. It seemed to me that
my mistress, having been unfaithful, must have such a voice. I was
reminded of Faust who, dancing at Brocken with a young sorceress, saw a
red mouse come from her throat.
"Stop!" I cried. I arose and approached her.
Let me ask you, O, you men of the time, who are bent upon pleasure, who
attend the balls and the opera and who upon retiring this night will seek
slumber with the aid of some threadbare blasphemy of old Voltaire, some
sensible badinage of Paul Louis Courier, some essay on economics, you who
dally with the cold substance of that monstrous water-lily that Reason
has planted in the hearts of our cities; I beg of you, if by some chance
this obscure book falls into your hands, do not smile with noble disdain,
do not shrug your shoulders; do not be too sure that I complain of an
imaginary evil; do not be too sure that human reason is the most
beautiful of faculties, that there is nothing real here below but
quotations on the Bourse, gambling in the salon, wine on the table, a
healthy body, indifference toward others, and the orgies, which come with
the night.
For some day, across your stagnant life, a gust of wind will blow. Those
beautiful trees that you water with the stream of oblivion, Providence
will destroy; you will be reduced to despair, messieurs the impassive,
there will be tears in your eyes. I will not say that your mistresses
will deceive you; that would not grieve you so much as the loss of your
horse; but I do tell you that you will lose on the Bourse; your moneyed
tranquillity, your golden happiness are in the care of a banker who may
fail; in short I tell you, all frozen as you are, you are capable of
loving something; some fiber of your being will be torn and you will give
vent to a cry that will resemble a moan of pain. Some day, wandering
about the muddy streets, when daily material joys shall have failed, you
will find yourself seated disconsolately on a deserted bench at midnight.
O! men of marble, sublime egoists, inimitable reasoners who have never
given way to despair or made a mistake in arithmetic, if this ever
happens to you, at the hour of your ruin you will remember Abelard when
he lost Heloise. For he loved her more than you love your horses, your
money or your mistresses; for he lost in losing her more than your prince
Satan would lose in falling again from the battlements of Heaven; for he
loved her with a certain love of which the gazettes do not speak, the
shadow of which your wives and your daughters do not perceive in our
theaters and in our books; for he passed half of his life kissing her
white forehead, teaching her to sing the psalms of David and the
canticles of Saul; for he did not love her on earth alone; and God
consoled him.
Believe me, when in your distress you think of Abelard you will not look
with the same eye upon the sweet blasphemy of Voltaire and the badinage
of Courier; you will feel that the human reason can cure illusions but
not sorrows; that God has use for Reason but He has not made her the
sister of Charity. You will find that when the heart of man said: "I [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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